Needs at T.E.A.
Adopt a Bill
Adopting a bill is a way to provide consistent support to the agency as it performs day-to-day operations. With an operating budget dedicated to providing training and employment opportunities to participants, keeping operating costs to a minimum is an ongoing challenge.
You can help by adopting a bill. Please consider a monthly donation to help us meet these expenses.
- Rent ($1,000)
- DTE/Electric ($500)
- Consumers Power/Gas ($150)
- Telephone/Internet ($100)
- Average Monthly Lunch and Learn Bill ($300)
- Average Monthly training cost ($100)
You may make this contribution in any of the following ways:
- Monthly check (scheduled payment on electronic checking makes this simple)
- Credit Card donation
- Annual lump sum payment

Office Supplies
Office supply donations are a wonderful way to help defray operating expenses. Donations of copy paper, stamps, and printer ink are always needed. Colored copy paper is desired for special occasion printing. Tax receipts will be given as appropriate.
Computers, printers, desks, chairs, and file cabinets are needed from time to time and will be accepted as appropriate to specific needs. Tax receipts will be given as appropriate.